Every decision being made must consider biodiversity and the rights of nature.
To put biodiversity and the rights of nature at the heart of the decisions that we make.
To put biodiversity and the rights of nature at the heart of the decisions that we make.
Every decision being made must consider biodiversity and the rights of nature.
Involve children and young people in decision-making so that more children and young people are given the chance to speak about climate change and biodiversity.
Enforce existing environmental protection laws by putting more money into enforcement (as existing incentives haven’t been successful).
Make sure businesses and industries have regulations so they work in green ways.
Give incentives to people to persuade them to make changes, especially farmers, business people, and companies.
Put lower prices on stuff we really need and put higher prices on stuff we want but don’t necessarily need.
Put a tax on expansion into biodiversity rich areas (i.e. it should be more expensive to carry out development work/building in biodiversity rich areas).
Invest in conservation efforts, species protection and environmental causes, and give funding to environmental charities.
Set up a permanent Children and Young People’s Assembly on Biodiversity Loss, and make sure this Assembly’s Calls to Action are carried out and not just forgotten.