Best Foot Forward for Biodiversity

Welcome to the ‘Best Foot Forward’ Biodiversity Map!

There are so many ways that you can help protect and nurture Irish biodiversity from your own home or in your own school. You can plant a native wildflower garden, leave part of your lawn or pitch unmowed, make a bug hotel, or install bird nest boxes and bird feeding tables around your garden to help feed our flying friends.

Every little activity you can do matters, no matter how small, and there’s nothing more encouraging than seeing all the fantastic work done by others! So we have created this map to highlight all these creative solutions helping Irish biodiversity and to give you inspiration by looking at real examples of others’ ideas.

This map is also a fantastic excuse to get outdoors into the fresh air and appreciate the beauty of nature: insects buzzing about your garden, birds singing together in the trees. Together, we can have a big impact in helping Irish biodiversity bounce back – and have fun along the way!

Do your parents, grandparents or teachers have a square foot of their home or school garden that they can pledge for biodiversity? Tell us about it here and encourage the adults in your life to put their ‘Best Foot Forward’ for biodiversity!

Click or tap on the green plus sign and fill in the details in the pop-up window to add a pin to the map. You can customize your pin by including a photo of your activity!

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More Ideas

Check out the TRYBE Biodiversity Activity Calendar for ideas of monthly activities that you can DIY or try one of the suggestions below:

Install a bat box in a tree in your garden

Plant a native wildflower patch in your home or school garden or designate an area of your
garden as an unmanaged wildlife habitat

Build a bug house using natural materials (look at page 24 of the Biodiversity Activity Book for

Plant an organic herb or vegetable patch in your school or home garden

Add a window box to your windowsill with native flowers or herbs

Plant a native tree

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